Would a “Chase” for the Championship Work at the Short Track Level?

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chase1029aI’m sure many of you, like me, have been glued to you television screens for the last month and a half waiting to see who the next driver(s) to be eliminated from contention for the NASCAR Sprint Cup Chase For The Cup will be. Do you think that type of championship elimination scenario would work at your local short track? I came up with a few pros and cons to why I think this could or couldn’t work.

Pros: It would certainly intensify the on-track product as drivers would have to race harder as the latter stages of the championship continued. The fans would cheer harder as their driver raced harder. It would boost atmosphere as each race means more and more. It could benefit the “little guy” in the long run. Younger fans would “get it” because that’s what their used to seeing on television each and every week(and after all they are the future of this sport no matter how bad people want to fight it).

Cons: It gets away from the traditional format of how champions are crowned. Would drivers still race as hard as they can knowing that they are already “locked in?” It puts more luck into the championship equation compared to consistency. You could have a driver win seven races and still not win the championship, and there could also be a lot of sandbagging going on if the track handicaps their racers weekly.

No matter how you look at it there are still many pros and cons that could be worked out to see if this could work at your local speedway. Could it work? I believe so. I would definitely like to see a speedway try it just to see how it goes for a year to see if it benefits them in the long run. What do they have to lose at this point?

So you tell us, do you think a “Chase” format would at your local speedway? Tell us over on the RacersGuide.com Discussion Forum! For questions, comments or concerns I can be emailed at info@racersguide.com or I’m on Twitter @PMacDonald51 Thanks!


