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AMSOIL USAC NATIONAL SPRINT CAR RACE RESULTS: September 26, 2015 – Rossburg, Ohio – Eldora Speedway – 34th “4-Crown Nationals”
      QUALIFICATIONS: 1. Chase Stockon, 32, 32 TBI-16.204; 2. Thomas Meseraull, 66, Amati-16.378; 3. Bryan Clauson, 63x, Dooling/Hayward-16.541; 4. Brady Bacon, 69, Dynamics-16.555; 5. Scotty Weir, 18x, Keen-16.675; 6. Jerry Coons Jr., 10E, Edison-16.678; 7. Kody Swanson, 63, DePalma-16.720; 8. Robert Ballou, 12, Ballou-16.740; 9. Nick Bilbee, 17B, Filbee-16.814; 10. Dave Darland, 71p, Phillips/Curb-Agajanian-16.859; 11. Hunter Schuerenberg, 11, Walker-16.886; 12. Brandon Whited, 15, Whited-16.890; 13. Chad Boespflug, 20N, Nolen-16.902; 14. Brandon Spithaler, 2m, Marshall-16.953; 15. Kevin Thomas Jr., 17RW, Dutcher-16.997; 16. Jon Stanbrough, 81, Stanbrough-17.007; 17. Dallas Hewitt, 21s, Swanson-17.072; 18. Shane Cockrum, 24p, Paul-17.084; 19. Justin Grant, 5, Baldwin-17.086; 20. Tracy Hines, 4, Hines-17.087; 21. Aaron Farney, 15F, Farney-17.087; 22. Shane Cottle, 57, Hazen-17.111; 23. Shawn Westerfeld, 89, Westerfeld-17.126; 24. Cody Gardner, 46, Gardner-17.135; 25. Landon Simon, 24, LSR-17.153; 26. Michael Fischesser, 4F, Fischesser-17.303; 27. Beau Stewart, 27, Brumfiel-17.322; 28. Derek Hastings, 32m, Marshall-17.344; 29. Jarett Andretti, 18, Andretti-17.349; 30. Travis Hery, 21H, Hery-17.349; 31. Tyler Courtney, 23E, Eberhardt-17.393; 32. Chris Windom, 21x, Pollock-17.404; 33. Tony DiMattia, 50, DiMattia-17.435; 34. Josh Spencer, 66J, Spencer-17.449; 35. C.J. Leary, 30, Leary-17.500; 36. Jake Scott, 1, Scott-17.514; 37. Kyle Simon, 24x, Simon-17.572; 38. A.J. Hopkins, 42, Jackson-17.596; 39. Luke Hall, 9N, Nelson-17.600; 40. Dickie Gaines, 44, Soudrette-17.612; 41. Kyle Robbins, 17R, Robbins-17.662; 42. Dustin Smith, 77, Smith-17.684; 43. Chad Wilson, 14x, Wilson-17.696; 44. Kent Wolters, 12x, Wolters-17.706; 45. Brandon Moore, 7M, Moore-17.722; 46. Dustin Ingle, 2, Ingle-17.725; 47. Cooper Clouse, 14, Clouse-17.729; 48. Steve Little, 53, Little-17.832; 49. Tyler Hewitt, 97x, Hewitt-17.850; 50. Matt Goodnight, 39, Goodnight-18.029; 51. Robert Bell, 71, Bell-18.420; 52. Riley VanHise, 96,VanHise-18.634; 53. Aaron Pierce, 37, Felker-NT (Time of 17.208 disallowed).
      FIRST HEAT : (8 laps) 1. Hines, 2. Stockon, 3. Hewitt, 4. Weir, 5. Andretti, 6. Boespflug, 7. Bilbee, 8. L.Simon, 9. DiMattia, 10. K.Simon, 11. Robbins, 12. Moore. 2:24.60
      SECOND HEAT : (8 laps) 1. Darland, 2. Meseraull, 3. Cottle, 4. Coons, 5. Spithaler, 6. Cockrum, 7. Fischesser, 8. Ingle, 9. Smith, 10. Hopkins, 11. Hery, 12. Spencer. 2:27.02
      THIRD HEAT : (8 laps) 1. Schuerenberg, 2. Clauson, 3. Swanson, 4. Thomas, 5. Westerfeld, 6. Grant, 7. Hall, 8. Courtney, 9. Clouse, 10. Stewart, 11. Wilson, 12. Leary. 2:28.33
      FOURTH HEAT : (8 laps) 1. Farney, 2. Stanbrough, 3. Ballou, 4. Windom, 5. Gardner, 6. Whited, 7. Gaines, 8. Little, 9. Hastings, 10. Wolters, 11. Bacon, 12. Scott. NT
      C-MAIN: (8 laps) 1. Hall, 2. Leary, 3. Clouse, 4. Gaines, 5. DiMattia, 6. Ingle, 7. Hopkins, 8. K.Simon, 9. Wilson, 10. Spencer, 11. Robbins, 12. Moore, 13. Little, 14. Hewitt, 15. Bell, 16. Scott, 17. Pierce, 18. Goodnight, 19. VanHise. NT
      SEMI: (12 laps) 1. Bacon, 2. Cockrum, 3. Bilbee, 4. Whited, 5. Courtney, 6. L.Simon, 7. Andretti, 8. Gaines, 9. Hall, 10. Boespflug, 11. Leary, 12. Westerfeld, 13. Gardner, 14. Fischesser, 15. Spithaler, 16. Hastings, 17. Clouse, 18. Stewart, 19. Hery, 20. Grant. NT
      FEATURE: (30 laps) 1. Thomas Meseraull, 2. Kody Swanson, 3. Dave Darland, 4. Bryan Clauson, 5. Scotty Weir, 6. Chase Stockon, 7. Dallas Hewitt, 8. Robert Ballou, 9. Chris Windom, 10. Jerry Coons Jr., 11. Tyler Courtney, 12. Nick Bilbee, 13. Hunter Schuerenberg, 14. Dickie Gaines, 15. Shane Cockrum, 16. Shane Cottle, 17. Brandon Whited, 18. Jon Stanbrough, 19. Tracy Hines, 20. Jarett Andretti, 21. Brady Bacon, 22. Aaron Farney, 23. Kevin Thomas Jr., 24. Landon Simon, 25. C.J. Leary. NT
**VanHise flipped during the C-Main. Pierce flipped during the C-Main. K.Thomas flipped on lap 13 of the feature.
FEATURE LAP LEADERS: Laps 1-3 Swanson, Laps 4-8 Stockon, Laps 9-14 Clauson, Lap 15 Stockon, Laps 16-30 Meseraull.
NEW AMSOIL NATIONAL SPRINT POINTS: 1-Ballou-1,861, 2-Stockon-1,836, 3-Darland-1,826, 4-Bacon-1,673, 5-Stanbrough-1,567, 6-K.Thomas-1,471, 7-Windom-1,348, 8-Leary-1,247, 9-Hines-1,165, 10-Grant-1,083.
NEXT AMSOIL NATIONAL SPRINT RACE: October 3 – Lawrenceburg (IN) Speedway -“City of Lawrenceburg Fall Nationals”
