Wingless 602 Sprints Coming to New Egypt & Accord Speedways

Posted by  Racers Guide   in  , , , ,      10 years ago     5283 Views     2 Comments  

New Egypt and Accord Speedway’s Pushing Forward to Make Wingless 602 Sprint Racing Reality

New Egypt, NJ– As the 2014 racing season starts to wind down throughout the Northeast, New Egypt Speedway and Accord Speedway are looking ahead to the 2015 season in hopes of making the new division of wingless 602 sprint racing a reality. Work to develop the Northeast Wingless Sprint, or NEWS division, is well under way with both Speedways cooperating to create universal rules and payouts.

The NEWS division is being created to help budget racers compete in today’s motorsports climate. The fundamentals of the NEWS division are based on building an entire brand new car with all the components for around $15,000. Building a used car for the NEWS division can cost well under $10,000. The NEWS division will also eliminate the use of a quad or push truck as the cars will be self-starting with a transmission and paired with a GM factory stock 602 engine.

Plans for divisions at both New Egypt and Accord Speedways are in the early development stages but will find space on both tracks 2015 season schedules. Those interested in more information on the NEWS division are encouraged to contact either track. New Egypt Speedway can be reached at 609-758-1900 or Accord Speedway can be reached at 845-626-3478 or

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