Why Richie Pratt Jr. Should to be Father of the Year after last night.
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Why Richie Pratt Jr. deserves to be Father of the Year after last night.
By: Pete MacDonald
Last night I saw this on Facebook and discovered another reason just to love racers and their ability to work around rules at any time, and felt that this needed to be put in to the public eye.
Bridgeport Speedway Modified driver Richie Pratt Jr. is vacationing down at Disneyworld in Florida with his family. Yesterday there was an instance where Richie’s daughter Jayde was in line to go on a ride but when it was her turn and got to the front she was an eighth of an inch too short to go on. After leaving in tears Pratt vowed to fix that issue for the next day.
That’s where Richie’s racers intuition kicked in. Richie went back to the hotel last night and cut foam spacers form fitted for his daughters shoes to make her tall enough to go on the ride.
How can you not love a story like that? Good job Richie, parenting done right…
I can be reached at racersguide@gmail.com or found on Twitter@PMacDonald51. Thanks for reading!
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