Sanders Triumphs at World Modified Dirt Track Championship

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July 25, 2015

Spring Valley MN

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The 5th Annual World Modified Dirt Track Championship Presented by Red Tail Tackle is now in the books. What a racers weekend with drama outstanding racing all weekend and excitement for everyone. National Fleet Graphics handed out some hard charge awards while Cobra Transportation raised the purse on Saturdays Midwest Modified feature. Randy and Patty Eastvold added additional money to the USMTS Feature on Saturday for additional money for the segment two finishers.


The activities started off on Wednesday night with an open practice while the racing action startedon Thursday night. All of the United States Modified Touring Series cars did some group qualifying at the start of the night which setup starting orders for the heat races.


The first feature to hit the track on Night number 1 was the Dirt Doctor Trucking WISSOTA Midwest Modifieds. Dustin Scott and Casey Trom battled early until Scott took control of the race. Michael Truscott slowly moved forward from his seventh starting spot and on lap eight took control of the event and took home the win ahead of Scott. Dan Wheeler wheeled from nineteenth to finish third ahead of Jared Boumeester and Don Schaefer.


On Friday night the Dirt Doctor Trucking WISSOTA Midwest Modifieds took to the track with Dustin Scott out to the early lead. Cory Crapser sat in second and pressured him early while Michael Truscott worked into the third spot. A late race battle between Truscott, Crapser and Travis Saurer saw Truscott finish behind Scott as the Checkers flew over the field. Crapser, Jason Born and Tanner Byholm rounded out the top five with Byholm working up from the fourteenth starting spot.


On Saturday night the Dirt Doctor Trucking WISSOTA Midwest Modifieds came out in force for the $1000 to win final night. Dustin Scott and Dan Wheeler raced early to determine the winner while Jason Born and Michael Truscott battled for the third spot late in the race. Scott took home the win with Wheeler, Truscott, Born and AJ Roschen rounding out the top five.


Although the car counts were low on opening night for the Iron Man Stock Cars there was still some exciting racing action. Shawn Peter was the dominant car on the opening night pulling away from the field early on. Kevin Donlan and Mitch Hovden put on most of the excitement as they battled for the second spot. Peter took home the win ahead of Donlan, Hovden, Lynn Panos, and Kyle Falck


Night number two for the Iron Man Stock Cars saw four side action at the drop of the green. Mitch Hovden took control of the event with Shawn Peter close behind in second. Tom Schmitt had the fans pointing as he worked into the third spot from his eleventh starting spot while Kyle Falck and Kevin Donlan continued their strong weekend coming home fourth and fifth.


A great field showed up for the final night with a four wide landrush on the opening lap some five wide and even a six wide battle taking place early in the feature. Pete Solum had a wild ride down the front stretch barrel rolling several times before coming to rest. Mitch Hovden paced the field early while Tom Schmitt moved into the front on lap sixteen to take home the win. Shawn Peter, Kevin Donlan and Mitch Hovden rounded out the top five.


Night number 1 for the USMTS Cars had the best battle up front of the weekend. Terry Phillips and Bobby Malchus battled side by side for over half the race even while working through lap traffic. This epic battle had the message boards and social media sites buzzing with activity as a race that will go down as one of the all time classics. Phillips took home the win ahead of Malchus with Rodney Sanders, Joey Jensen and Brandon Davis rounding out the top five. Brad Dierks came home sixth after starting nineteenth on the field


Night number two buzzed with anticipation and the fans were entertained with some of the wickedest slide jobs and power moves throughout the heat race and B Feature action. In the feature Jason Hughes jumped out front on lap three and after holding Rodney Sanders off before the halfway point slowly started to pull away for the win. Sanders took home second while Brandon Davis and Brad Dierks continued their strong weekend ahead of Dan Ebert


The final night saw the alphabet soup races and that talk was Rochester’s own Brad Waits who showed up to tag onto the back of the Last Chance race. Waits advanced out of that race, won the “C” main after starting sixteenth and then worked up to seventh in the “B” feature to transfer to the “A” main. Jason Cummins and Nick Stroupe were the only other two drivers to make the “A” main after running in a “C” main which shows how tough the field was. The feature event was split into two segments a 30 lap race for segment one with a ten minute break to work on cars and then a final 50 lap feature. Both features had complete payouts with the 1st segment paying $5000 to the winner and the second segment paying $15,000 to the winner. Brandon Davis got the early lead in segment one Rodney Sanders moved to the point on lap eight and stayed there to the finish of segment one. Davis, Jason Hughes, Terry Phillips and Brad Dierks rounded out the top five at the break. How about the transfer drivers Brad Waits started nineteenth and was up to eighth. Nick Stroupe worked up to sixteenth while Jason Cummins had moved up to twelfth at that time. After the break the fifty lap feature was on tap. Sanders stayed strong out front with Davis in second. Hughes ran third until a caution on lap twenty when he moved past Davis and hung on the bumper of Sanders in second. Brad Waits worked into the fourth spot on lap twenty four until he started to slip back eventually coming home in sixth. Up front though there was no denying Sanders the triumph as he took home the win and $20,000 on the weekend. Hughes, Terry Phillips, Joey Jensen and Zach VanderBeek rounded out the top five at the finish. VanderBeek had originally started in the fifteenth starting spot in the “A” main.


What an incredible three nights of racing action watch for the event to be broadcast on MavTV in September and plan to take in the 6th annual World Modified Dirt Track Championship next year.



Dirt Doctor Trucking WISSOTA Midwest Modifieds

July 23 Feature – Michael Truscott, Dustin Scott, Dan Wheeler, Jared Boumeester, Don Schaefer, David Baxter, Garitt Wytaske, Jason Born, Travis Saurer, Josh Ihlenfeld, Brad Seavers, Josh Crary, Tanner Byholm, Tammy Soma Clark, Jake Stark, Billy Steinberg, Ryan Goergen, Jeff McDonald, Tyron Friese, Ryan Wetzstein, Harlan Morehart, Eric Gadach, Jason Haugerud, Cory Crapser, Casey Trom

Heat 1 – Crapser, Born, Baxter, Ihlenfeld, Byholm, McDonald, Wheeler, Seavers, Gadach

Heat 2 – Truscott, Boumeester, Wetzstein, Wytaske, Goergen, Haugerud, Stark, Morehart

Heat 3 – Scott, Schaefer, Trom, Steinberg, Saurer, Crary, Soma Clark, Friese


July 24 Feature – Dustin Scott, Michael Truscott, Cory Crapser, Jason Born, Tanner Byholm, Travis Saurer, David Baxter, Ryan Goergen, Jeremy Misgen, Garitt Wytaske, Josh Crary, Billy Steinberg, James Patzner, Jake Stark, Jeff McDonald, Josh Ihlenfeld, Brad Seavers, Don Schaefer, Tammy Coma Clark, Tyron Friese, Jared Boumeester, Eric Gadach, Jason Haugerud, Ryan Wetzstein

Heat 1- Saurer, Truscott, Wetzstein, Crary, Byholm, Steinberg, Soma Clark, Friese,

Heat 2 – Scott, Boumeester, Baxter, Misgen, Goergen, Ihlenfeld, Haugerud, Gadach

Heat 3 – Born, Crapser, Wytaske, Seavers, Schaefer, McDonald, Stark, Patzner


July 25 Feature – Dustin Scott, Dan Wheeler, Michael Truscott, Jason Born, AJ Roschen, Travis Saurer, Jared Boumeester, Josh Crary, Jeremy Misgen, Garitt Wytaske, Don Schaefer, Ryan Wetzstein, David Baxter, Ryan Goergen, Jeff McDonald, Josh Ihlenfeld, Tanner Byholm, Dustin Steinbrink, Tyron Friese, Billy Steinberg, John Feirn, Jimmy Patzner, Casey Trom, Brad Seavers

B-Feature 1 – Boumeester, Byholm, Trom, Ihlenfeld, Eric Gadach, Ron Jablonske, Tammy soma Clark, Cory Crapser

B Feature 2 – Baxter, Steinbrink, Wetzstein, Goergen, Jake Stark, Bonnie Jablonske, Chad Fouquette

Heat 1 – Scott, Misgen, McDonald, Wytaske, Steinbrink, Trom, Goergen, Soma Clark

Heat 2 – Wheeler, Born, Roschen, Friese, Gadach, Baxter, Crapser, Wetzstein

Heat 3 – Saurer, Steinberg, Crary, Truscott, Schaefer, Byholm, R. Jablonske, Boumeester

Heat 4 – Seavers, Feirn, Patzner, Ihlenfeld, Stark, B. Jablonske, Fouquette


USRA Iron Man Stock cars

July 23 Feature – Shawn Peter, Kevin Donlan, Mitch Hovden, Lynn Panos, Kyle Falck, Dillon Anderson, Danny Sacquitne, Todd Staley, Jake Ludeking, Tory Reicks, Phil Wernert, Casey Sebastian, Larry Blickenderfer

Heat 1 – Hovden, Staley, Sacquitne, Ludeking, Wernert, Reicks, Blickenderfer

Heat 2 – Peter, Falck, Donlan, Panos, Anderson, Sebastian


July 24 Feature – Mitch Hovden, Shawn Peter, Tom Schmitt, Kyle Falck, Kevin Donlan, Dillon Anderson, Lynn Panos, Todd Staley, Phil Wernert, Casey Sebastian, Danny Sacquitne, Larry Blickenderfer

Heat 1 – Peter, Donlan, Falck, Wernert, Sebastian, Schmitt

Heat 2 – Hovden, Sacquitne, Staley, Blickenderfer, Anderson, Panos


July 25 Feature – Tom Schmitt, Shawn Peter, Kevin Donlan, Mitch Hovden, Brian Mahlstedt, Lynn Panos, Stefan Sybesma, Jake Newman


United States Modified Touring Series

July 23 Feature – Terry Phillips, Bobby Malchus, Rodney Sanders, Joey Jensen, Brandon Davis, Brad Dierks, Keith Foss, Ben Kates, Casey Arneson, Cory Crapser, Craig Thatcher, Jason Hughes, Lucas Schott, Kelly Shryock, Stormy Scott, Eric Pember, Jason Cummins, Jesse Sobbing, Dereck Ramirez, Josh Angst, Zack VanderBeek, Brent Larson, Joel Alberts, Matt Dotson, Tommy Weder Jr., Steve Whiteaker Jr. Austin Arneson, Nick Stroupe, Jacob Bleess, Dan Ebert, Steve Wetzstein, Jason Miller

B Feature 1 – Schott, Dierks, Angst, Cummins, A. Arneson, Landon Atkinson, Kenny Gaddis, Brent Larson, Joe Horgdal, Les Duellman, Bill Byholm, Craig Shaw, Brian Albrecht, Ted Marrs, Steve Miller, Scott Heeren
B Feature 2 – Hughes, S. Scott, Ramirez, Sobbing, Ebert, Johnny Scott, Brock Bauman, Bo Gierke, Brandon Hare, Bill Clemens, Josh Beckham, Bob Sammann, Dwaine Hanson, Tim Thomas, Travis Saurer, Troy Girolamo

B Feature 3 – Wetzstein, Shryock, Stroupe, Weder Jr., Bleess, Zack VanderBeek, Tommy Myer, Corey Dripps, Pat Graham, Darwin Karau, Cody Bauman, Greg Jensen, David Schuster, Todd Stinehart, Dagan Heim, Jake O’Neil

Heat 1 – J. Jensen, Alberts, Stroupe, Evert, Atkinson, Graham, Horgdal, Clemens, Heim

Heat 2 – Foss, C. Arneson, Thatcher, Weder Jr., Ramirez, Larson, Dripps, Schuster, Miller

Heat 3 – Phillips, Davis, Angst, Dierks, Myer, Karau, Heeren, Saurer, Girolamo

Heat 4 – Dotson, Whiteaker Jr., Schott, Hughes, Wetzstein, Byholm, Beckham, C. Bauman, O’Neil

Heat 5 – Malchus, Crapser, Gierke, A. Arneson, Cummins, Thomas, Stinehart, Marrs, Albrecht

Heat 6 – Kates, Miller, S. Scott, Gaddis, J. Scott, B. Bauman, hare, Shaw, Hanson

Heat 7 – Pember, Sanders, Shryock, Sobbing, Bleess, VanderBeek, Duellman, Sammann, G. Jensen


July 24 Feature – Jason Hughes, Rodney Sanders, Brandon Davis, Brad Dierks, Dan Ebert, Terry Phillips, Jacob Bleess, Johnny Scott, Brent Larson, Lucas Schott, Stormy Scott, Craig Thatcher, Zack VanderBeek, Keith Foss, Joey Jensen, Kelly Shryock, Dereck Ramirez, Tommy Weder JR., Steve Wetzstein, Jesse Sobbing, Nick Stroupe, Tommy Myer, Ben Kates, Landon Atkinson, Josh Angst, Les Duellman, Todd Steinhart, Casey Arneson, Steve Whiteaker Jr. Jason Cummins, Bobby Malchus, Eric Pember

B Feature 1 – Foss, VanderBeek, Wetzstein, Atkinson, Duellman, Josh Beckham, Bill Byholm, Joe Horgdal, Corey Dripps, Troy Girolamo, Joel Alberts, Brian Albrecht, Kenny Gaddis, Greg Jensen, Ted Marrs, Cory Crapser

B Feature 2 – Cummins, Weder JR., Myer, Ramirez, Stroupe, Jason Miller, Steve Whiteaker Jr., Austin Arneson, Casey Arneson, Travis Saurer, Bob Gierke, Bill Clemens, Dagan Heim, Dwaine Hanson, Tim Thomas

B Feature 3 – Sobbing, Shryock, Malchus, Angst, Pember, Matt Dotson, Brock Bauman, Craig Shawn, pat Graham, Brandon Hare, Bob Sammann, Darwin Karau, David Schuster, Cody Bauman, Steve Miller

Heat 1 – Dierks, Sanders, Cummins, Angst, Dotson, Atkinson, Duellman, Saurer, Shaw

Heat 2 – Hughes, Thatcher, Foss, VanderBeek, Gaddes, Shryock, Byholm, C. Bauman, Crapser

Heat 3 – Davis, S. Scott, Ramirez, Myer, Gierke, C. Arneson, Heim, Hanson, Thomas

Heat 4 – Ebert, Schott, Sobbing, Alberts, B. Bauman, Malchus, A. Arneson, Miller, Karau

Heat 5 – Kates, Stinehart, hare, Weder Jr., Whiteaker Jr., Dripps, Schuster, Girolamo. Albrecht

Heat 6 – J. Scott, J. Jensen, Larson, Pember, Wetzstein, Stroupe, G. Jensen, Marrs

Heat 7 – Phillips, Bleess, Horgdal, Beckham, Miller, graham, Sammann, Clemens


July 25 Feature Segment 2 – Rodney Sanders, Jason Hughes, Terry Phillips, Joey Jensen, Zack VanderBeek, Brad Waits, Bobby Malchus, Brandon Davis, Craig Thatcher, Brad Dierks, Tommy Weder Jr., Brent Larson, Stormy Scott, Kelly Shryock, Keith Foss, Josh Angst, Jason Cummins, Dereck Ramirez, Lucas Schott, Jason Miller, Johnny Scott, Jesse Sobbing, Dan Ebert, Joe Horgdal, Landon Atkinson, Casey Arneson, Jacob Bleess, Austin Arneson, Nick Stroupe, Ben Kates

Segment 1 Feature – Sanders, Davis, Hughes, Phillips, Dierks, VanderBeek, Schott, Waits, Jensen, Foss, Thatcher, Larson, Malchus, Cummins, Angst, Stroupe, Bleess, Weder Jr., Ebert, Ramirez, S. Scott, Kates, Shryock, J. Scott, Miller, A. Arneson, Sobbing, Horgdal, C. Arneson, Atkinson

B Feature – Malchus, Larson, VanderBeek, J. Scott, Sobbing, S. Scott, Waits, Ramirez, Angst, Weder Jr., Stroupe, Cummins, C. Arneson, Miller, Kelly Shryock, Landon Atkinson, Steve Wetzstein, Matt Dotson, Travis Saurer, Cory Crapser, Joel Alberts, Steve Whiteaker Jr., Eric Pember, Corey Dripps

C Feature – Waits, Cummins, Stroupe, Crapser, Shryock, Atkinson, Miller, Dotson, Saurer, Wetzstein, Alberts, Dripps, Bill Byholm, Todd Steinhart, Brian Albrecht, Josh Beckham, Bob Gierke, Pat Graham, Joe Horgdal, Brock Bauman, Austin Arneson, Tommy Myer, Kenny Gaddis, Les Duellman

Last Chance 1 – Duellman, Stinehart, Saurer, Beckham, Horgdal, Albrecht, Troy Girolamo, Bill Clemens, Brandon Hare, Dagan Heim, Bob Sammann, Darwin Karau, Craig Shaw, Scott Heeren

Last Chance 2 – Gaddis, Waits, Graham, Dripps, Byholm, B. Bauman, David Schuster, Steve Miller, Ted Marrs, Greg Jensen, Dwaine Hanson, C. Bauman, Tim Thomas, Jake O’Neil
