Ringoes Rocket to Zoom with Zubi

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Big Diamond deyo show 5-17-2016 212 (1024x652)Ringoes Rocket to Zoom with Zubi

By: Pete MacDonald

“The Ringoes Rocket” Ryan Godown fresh off his first win of the 2016 season last Saturday at the New Egypt Speedway is set to pilot a Dave Zubikowski owned Hig-Fab Chassis No. 11z this coming Tuesday at the Battle of the Bullring 4 at the Accord Speedway sanctioned by the Short Track Super Series North. It will be Godown’s third career start at the Ulster County bullring.

“You never know what could happen, its just one race for now we’ll see”, said Godown, who has won three out of the last four track championships at the D-Shaped New Egypt Speedway located in Central New Jersey.

It will be a bit of a welcomed break for Godown who currently has four cars in his fleet that he is maintaining, One big-block modified, two spec-head small block modified’s and an open small block modified. All of which are Troyer Race Cars on Fox Shocks.

Big Diamond deyo show 5-17-2016 344 (1024x685)Godown who is having one of his most consistent seasons yet with 24 starts thus far in 2016 amassing a single win which was last Saturday at New Egypt, 18 Top-5’s and 20 Top-10s heading into the 4th of July weekend which will see Godown in competition at Big Diamond on Friday, New Egypt on Saturday and Bridgeport on Sunday before heading north to Accord on Tuesday. Godown also has a win in North East Wingless Sprint Car competition at NES as well.

With the already stout field that the Short Track Super Series has, Ryan Godown is another car that can easily pick up the win.

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