They Said It: Drivers First Take on Moving Super DIRT Week to Oswego

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batch_PM_071516_Article-2batch_PM_071516_Article-4They Said It: Drivers First Take on Moving Super DIRT Week to Oswego

By: Pete MacDonald

With the announcement coming last night while we were all at Grandview for the Super DIRTcar Series race that Super DIRT Week will move an hour or so north to the Oswego Speedway for this October, I had a chance to talk with a few drivers about what they think about the even moving venues yet again.

“I’ve never raced at Oswego, well, actually I’ve been around it in a Slingshot probably about 10 years ago. Nobody has been on it with dirt yet so I guess we’re all on a level playing field. Throw your hands up in the air, roll the dice and we’ll see what happens.” – Mike Mahaney

batch_PM_071516_Article-1“We all kind of knew it was coming, I guess it should be interesting.” – Matt Sheppard

“It ain’t going to be Syracuse anymore, It’s a race, Syracuse was Syracuse and anything else is just another race.” – Dominick Buffalino

“I don’t know, I really don’t know. It’s not going to be the same, I don’t know. It’s a wait and see game we’ll see what the hell happens.” – Billy Decker

“I really haven’t seen how many laps it’s going to be, whether we’re going to be pitting with hot pits or not, I don’t know that many details. You know, you put dirt down on a flat 5/8 track, how’s that different than anything else we do? I don’t know, we’ll see.” – Brett Hearn

“Oswego is a very history-rich place. Hopefully it’ll be good. I’m sure they’ll be putting a lot of effort into it with promoting it and building it up into a good race.” – Peter Britten

batch_PM_071516_Article-5“It’ll be interesting I guess, I think it’s going to be a tough deal for them to get it nice and smooth. They’re putting it on as a one-shot deal so it’s going to be an interesting deal.” – Jimmy Horton

“That’s kick-ass. I was hoping all along that they were going to go there because that’s the next coolest place that they could go to in New York. Its wicked cool, that’s badass, it’s going to be awesome. Even with Syracuse as slick as it got the last couple years, it still raced like a short track.” – Stewart Friesen

There you have it from some of the best in the business about what they’re thinking about Super DIRT Week moving to Oswego. What do you think about the move?

I can be reached at or found on Twitter @PMacDonald51. Thanks for reading!batch_PM_071516_Article-3


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