Stafford Speedway’s Gambler’s Challenge Continues to Grow

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(Stafford Springs, CT)—With the green flag just around the corner for Stafford Speedway’s NAPA Auto Parts SK 5k feature event this Friday night July 10, the anticipation and excitement continues to grow.  This year’s edition has the added twist of the Dunleavy Gambler’s Challenge.  The Gambler’s Challenge requires SK Modified® drivers to put up $100 with the total driver amount being matched by Doug Dunleavy from Dunleavy’s Truck & Trailer Repair. The match grew last Friday night when three race fans from Rayner Real Estate came into the Speedway Office and offered to join Doug Dunleavy in matching the bonus pot, which now stands at $4,800 with 16 drivers entered.

The total Gamblers bonus amount is contingent on the number of drivers that participate in the challenge.  Drivers that do not enter the challenge will not be eligible for the bonus.  The Gambler’s Challenge will be determined by the NAPA SK 5k Fan Vote that is currently live on  The winner of the NAPA SK 5k will determine how the bonus gets distributed by a random draw of the top 3 choices from the Fan Vote.

The current top choices from the Fan Vote are:

  • Winner takes all
  • Random Selection- $5,000 awarded to a randomly selected finishing position
  • Half to the winner and half evenly distributed to the remaining top-5 finishers
  • Evenly distributed through the 11th-20th place finishers.

In addition to the Gambler’s Challenge, the NAPA SK 5k will once again offer a payout to the top-3 finishers from each heat race.  Stafford Speedway will pay out $250 per heat winner, $150 for each heat race 2nd place finisher, and $100 to each heat race 3rd place finisher for a total of $500 per heat race.

The $5,000 to win SK 5K won’t be the only entertainment at Stafford during the night of July 10th.  Stafford Speedway will host the Savage Brothers Band for a prerace concert and the 4now Band for a postrace concert.  In addition to the two bands playing before and after the NAPA SK 5k, Stafford Speedway will have a barbeque taking place on the midway behind the turn 4 grandstands with some great food available to race fans.  BBQ tickets will be available for $10 and fans can purchase those tickets either at the admission gates when they purchase their event tickets, or they can purchase their tickets at the concession window.

Tickets for the July 10th NAPA SK 5K are available and on sale now at the Speedway Box Office and discount tickets are available at participating NAPA Auto Part Stores.

Tickets are priced at $27.50 for adult general admission tickets, $5.00 for kids ages 6-14, and kids 5 and under are admitted free of charge when accompanied by an adult.  Reserved seating is priced at $30.00 for all ages.  All ticket prices include 10% CT Admission Tax.  Stafford Speedway offers free parking with free overnight parking for self-contained RV’s available.

For more information on the July 10th NAPA SK 5K, or to order tickets, contact the Stafford Motor Speedway track office at 860-684-2783 or visit us on the web at
