SK Modified® Drivers Weigh-In on July 10 NAPA SK 5k Bonus; Stafford Wants to Hear From You the Fans!

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(Stafford Springs, CT)—The NAPA Auto Parts SK 5K is back in 2015 with a new twist, more money.  Stafford Speedway has announced in addition to the fan vote for laps and starting order invert, fans will vote on how to distribute a bonus of potentially $5,000 plus.  Already deemed the largest purse in SK Modified® history paying $5,000 to the winner and over $27,000 in total purse money, the bonus will add even more prestige to this July 10th event.

“We want fans to weigh in and let us know what bonus options we should include in the vote” explains Stafford General Manager Mark Arute.  “The drivers have some ideas, now we want the fans to let us know what they want to see.”

Drivers entering the July 10th NAPA Auto Parts SK 5K will have the opportunity to enter the Gambler’s Challenge by putting up $100 to be allocated straight to the SK 5K bonus. Doug Dunleavy of Dunleavy Truck and Trailer Repair has stepped up in a big way by committing to match all proceeds raised in the gamblers challenge.  In addition the only drivers who will be eligible to win the bonus are drivers who take the gamblers challenge.

SK Modified® drivers are ready and have been weighing in on how they would like to see the bonus distributed:

  • Ted Christopher: “I hope the fans vote to spread it out because that would be best.  If it’s spread out, there’s a better chance of more guys putting in towards the bonus.  That sounds like a cool deal and I really appreciate what Doug Dunleavy does for the modifieds.  He’s a really nice guy and he definitely supports the racing game.
  • Ryan Preece: “I’d like it to go to the winner.  If you’re going to gamble, you should get it if you win.  I know that would definitely make for a lot of excitement on the last lap.  I understand spreading it through the field but when you enter a race you’re trying to win and that’s what we’re trying to do.”
  • Woody Pitkat: “I think it would be cool if they pick a couple of different finishing positions to spread the bonus out to.  If you have a guy who doesn’t have an opportunity to win the race, but he’s running 10th and has a chance to get up to 8th to win some bonus money, he’s going to drive a little harder to get to that spot.  It’s also pretty cool that Doug Dunleavy is doing everything he’s doing with the contingency and putting up the bonus money for this race as well.”
  • Keith Rocco: “If you really wanted to make it exciting, give it to the driver who leads the most laps.  If that’s the case it’s going to be a fight, it won’t be lean back and wait until 20 to go before you turn it up.  If there’s a good chunk of money on the line for leading the most laps, I know I’d try to do it.”
  • Dan Avery: “Advancing the most positions is a pretty cool idea or they could split it up among the top-3 finishers.  But you can count me in, I’m up for the challenge and gambling.  These bonuses always seem to be the same kind of thing so it’s nice to see Stafford coming up with something different.”
  • Michael Gervais: “It would be nice to pay out either the first five drivers or spread it out throughout the field.  That way someone who can’t win the race will have a chance at winning back some money whether it’s in the middle of the field or in the top-10.  I think something that will benefit not just the fast guys up front, but the guys in the middle of the field or even a guy who had a bad night, like a hard luck award.  I also wouldn’t mind  a hard charger type bonus.”
  • Rowan Pennink: “I think it should go to last year’s winner.  But seriously, I think spreading it out among the top-3 or the top-5 would be good.  Whoever wins the race should get a big chunk of the bonus money and then spread the rest of the bonus out among the top-3 or top-5. “
  • Joey Cipriano: “It would be nice if it went to the driver of the #84 car!  But I feel like it should go towards whoever wins the race.  Being the biggest race of the year, why not make it even more money to win?  But a random car would also be cool because then you wouldn’t know who it will be.  You could have a horrible night but still go home with some extra money.  There could be 1-30 in a hat and they could pick out a number and the driver who finishes in that spot would take the money, or the race winner could have a big payday.  I think voting between those two options would be pretty cool.”
  • Rich Hammann: “I think it should be spread throughout the field, like the top-20 or something.  It costs everybody money to race and this way everyone would be able to go home with a little something extra.”
  • Matt Galko: “I’ve seen some ideas online but my choice would be to split it up among the back half of the top-10 so that guys who had a good run but didn’t win the race will take home some extra money.  I also wouldn’t mind a random draw of all the drivers in the field. I’m pretty much open to anything except for the winner taking it all.  The guy who wins the race will already have a pretty good payday.  Even if I won the race I wouldn’t think it would be fair for me to take the bonus money on top of the winner’s purse.”

The drivers are ready, now it’s the fans turn to weigh in.  Log onto the Stafford Speedway Facebook or Twitter page or whatever social media you use and let us know how you would like to see the NAPA SK 5K Bonus distributed.  No ideas will be overlooked; Stafford wants the fans to speak!

This is Stafford.

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