Sheppard Moves On; Leaves HBR

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DSC_0254Sheppard Moves On; Leaves HBR

Weedsport, New York– November 30, 2015 – The 2016 racing season will see team owner Al Heinke continuing his focus on completing the improvements at Weedsport Speedway, which weighed heavily in the decision to return HBR to a one driver team, led by Jimmy Phelps.

Heinke stated that “Matt Sheppard created additional excitement and intensity over the past two racing seasons, as he competes at the highest possible level. His contributions to our sport are immeasurable. He assisted in bringing the entire HBR organization to new heights and we appreciate his commitment to us. Matt will continue to excel throughout his racing career and we wish him nothing but success as he moves on.”

Heinke has owned HBR racing since 1999.

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