Season Set to Open This Weekend at The Creek

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First green flag set to fly at 5:00 on Saturday, April 18th


SPRING VALLEY, MN – April 16, 2015:  (Photo courtesy of Gulbranson Photo)  The wait is finally over race fans, Deer Creek Speedway will go green for the first time in 2015 this Saturday night.unnamed

The weekend events are sponsored by Land Resource Management & Realty, Inc. (LRM) your “Full Time, Full Service, Real Estate Company” who’s been serving Southeast Minnesota and Northern Iowa since 1986.  Click here to visit them online.


The LRM Season Opener will feature all five weekly classes which include the WISSOTA Midwest Mods, Street Stocks and Super Stocks along with the USRA B-Mods and Modifieds.  Track and national points will be awarded in all classes!


1:00     Pit Gate Opens: Pit Pass for Kids 12 & Under $15 – Adults $25

2:30     Driver Entry Opens:

3:00     Grandstands Open:  Kids 12 & Under are FREE – Adults $12

4:30     Draw cut off for the drivers.  Car or driver must be present to draw.

4:30     Hot Laps

4:45     Pit Meeting

4:55     National Anthem

5:00     GREEN FLAG

Teams are encouraged to get to the speedway early on opener to ensure there is enough time to fill out the proper documents and to go through tech.

Transponders and Raceivers are mandatory in all

 classes.  Limited quantities available to rent at the driver check-in building.



For more information, visit or “LIKE” our Facebook Page.  You can also follow us on Twitter @DeerCreekSpeed (#TheCreek) or on our YouTube channel.
