Red Bull GRC Reveals Lites Stakeholder Program

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Red Bull GRC Reveals Lites Stakeholder Program

Story By: Chris Leone/Red Bull GRC

Photos By: Pete MacDonald/

LOS ANGELES – Red Bull Global Rallycross has revealed the terms of its new GRC Lites stakeholder program, commencing with the 2018 Red Bull Global Rallycross season and lasting through 2020.

The GRC Lites stakeholder program will provide 12 full-time competitors in the class with extensive benefits for participating in each Lites championship event over the next three years.

Beginning with the 2018 season, all GRC Lites finals will air on NBC alongside Supercar events, and all rounds will be available to stream live and on demand via the series’ soon to be announced digital broadcast platform. The GRC Lites stakeholders program is the best value in in motorsports and serves as a perfect developmental class for future Supercar drivers.

This new program includes:

– Entrant fees for each year of the agreement
– Defined tire allotment for every round of racing
– Trackside signage, activation space, and commercial inventory for team sponsors
– GA tickets for every event weekend

Commitments to the 2018-20 GRC Lites stakeholder program must be completed by Jan. 30.
