Penn Can Speedway Banquet Honors 2014 Champions and Race Teams

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Montdale,PA…The Montdale Country Club was the venue Saturday for the annual Penn Can Speedway banquet where over two hundred guests assembled on a chilly evening to honor the top drivers and teams of 2014. Champions were honored in all of the divisions with many special awards being presented and point fund monies were also distributed courtesy of American Race Tires, VP Fuels, and Trackside Products of Endicott, New York to the top team.

In the modified division Kevin Hartnett was honored with his third Penn Can championship collecting the $5000 prize. While calling the track his home speedway for the last several years, Hartnett praised the competitors he raced with every Friday night while giving much of the credit for his success to his family, crew and sponsors. He stated that his plans for 2014 are undecided but would like to return to defend the championship if at all possible. Finishing second, after a yearlong battle, was Billy Thornton followed by Alan Rudalavage, Dan Pompey, and Nick Rochinski.

Ryan Olsommer fought off all challengers to win his first ever sportsman championship at Penn Can and the $1000 check for his accomplishments. Finishing behind Olsommer were 2014 Rookie of the Year, Brian Mady, Alec Gennarelli, Paul Rooney, and Nick Mady. Olsommer praised the 602 Sportsman division at Penn Can and responded that he would be back to defend his championship.

The street stock championship was dominated by Steve Deinhardt of Deposit, New York winning six feature events in 2014. He also received a $1000 check for the championship courtesy of American Race Tire. Ryan Stone, Shane Wolf Jr, Randy Fox, and Ray Lindquist rounded out the top five. Eric Beach was the champion in the factory stock division with Don Doster Jr and Dylan Robinson tying for the four cylinder championship. Will Eastman was the Xcel 600 Modified Champion.

The S&W Awards Best Appearing Car awards went to Modified Frank Porreca, Sportsman Randy Gates, S&W Awards Street Stocks Ryan Stone, Four Cylinder Stock Dylan Robinson, Factory Stock,Eric Beach, and Xcel Modified Kamdin Maby.

The Pump-N-Pantry Car Owner of the Year Award was presented to Tom Coar and Chris Clark. The Penn Can Horizon Award winners were Nick Rochinski, Alec Gennarelli, Ray Lindquist, Eric Beach, John Maymard, and Kamdin Maby.

Adams Cable Service presented the modified Rookie of the Year Award to MikeLoney. The NEP Wireless 602 Sportsman Rookie of the year went to Brian Mady. Ray Lindquist won the award in the street stocks with Tyler Spickerman winning in the factory stocks and Don Doster in the four cylinder division.

The Pit Steward Awards were presented by Brian Cochardo to Teri Coar and T. J. Amabille for their dedication and support of their respective teams and Penn Can Speedway over the years. A special presentation was made by Cochardo to Craig Hall for his devotion and support of Penn Can Speedway and the teams that compete each Friday.

The Jane Kennerup Outstanding Performance Awards were presented to Kevin Hartnett for his consistent performance all season and his great success in the three special modified races held in 2014. Special Appreciation Awards were presented to staff members Casey Oltz , Mark Clark, Doug and Sue Arthur for their work at the speedway for the entire Miller/Wilcox tenure. Other staff awards went to Gary Folk Jr, Brian Cochardo, Brian Haight and the Penn Can Safety Crew, Dave Nixon and Judy Wood.

Banquet Notes: Reed and Holly Miller and Al and Paula Wilcox were presented commemorative plaques for their eighteen years at Penn Can by Barbara Fox, Gary Folk, and Brian Cochardo on behave of the fans of the speedway. The two promoters ended the banquet awards ceremony by thanking the drivers, crews, and fans for their support over the last eighteen seasons. They indicated the future is bright for Penn Can and that announcement concerning the 2015 season would be out in the very near future.

The speedway is sponsored in part for the 2014 season by great corporate partners including Don’s Automotive Mall, Gary’s U-Pull-It, Pump-N-Pantry Stores, Trackside Products, Adams Cable Service, Hornbeck Chevrolet, NEP Telephone, Pine Line Auto, VP Race Fuels, and American Race Tires.
