Mahoning Valley Speedway To Enforce Modified Weight Rules

Posted by  Racers Guide   in  , , ,      9 years ago     1107 Views     Comments Off on Mahoning Valley Speedway To Enforce Modified Weight Rules  


(LEHIGHTON, Pa. 6-22-15) Mahoning Valley Speedway has announced that starting this comingSaturday, June 27, all Modified teams must adhere to updated weight rules.

After additional deliberation due to recent incidents and with safety and liability as the key factor, track officials will be enforcing the following rules.

Wall tubing thickness will be .095. No more than 56.2% left side weight and no lead or any other weighting material is to be used in skid rails, bumpers or nurf bars.

Also, because of the rain out on June 20, all teams that were suspended from Saturday, June 13, be advised that the suspension carries on to this week or next if weather is once again an issue for cancellation. The suspension is for both driver and car.

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