It’s Back! New Egypt Speedway Halloween Ticket Sale Set for Friday, October 30th

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It’s Back! New Egypt Speedway Halloween Ticket Sale
Set for Friday, October 30th

New Egypt, NJ– Back by popular demand for the third year running is the New Egypt Speedway annual Halloween Ticket Sale. This year on Friday, October 30th fans can purchase two 2016 Saturday night adult tickets for just $31, a savings of $9 dollars. Tickets are good for Saturday night shows during the 2016 season with the exception of the All Star Cup event in September. There’s a limit of two ticket offers per person.

“We don’t want our fans to forget about us during the off season so we have a lot of specials that run to celebrate the holidays,” said General Manager Allyse Wolfinger. “The Halloween Sale is just the beginning of the savings that we offer our fans during the off season.”

In addition to the ticket sale, all 2015 season apparel is on sale. T-shirts are $13, ladies tees and tank tops are $13, hoodies are $25, and sweatshirts are $18. Inventory is limited.

Anyone who stops buy the Speedway and donates $1 to Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF will have a chance to win Speedway prizes including stickers, t-shirts, and more. “We always try to incorporate a charitable aspect into our sales to give back to the community,” said Wolfinger.

Fans can purchase the tickets by stopping by the Speedway office or ordering over the phone. The Speedway office will be open from 9 am to 4 pm and fans can order by credit card over the phone at 609-758-1900.

For more information on the Halloween Ticket Sale, visit, “Like” us on Facebook /newegyptspeedwayofficial, or follow us on Twitter @nesspeedway. New Egypt Speedway is 7/16th mile, family friendly dirt racing track located minutes from Six Flags Great Adventure on Route 539 in New Egypt, NJ.

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