Entries Continue to Add Up for NEPA Race Car Show at Laurel Mall

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(WEST HAZLETON, Pa. 1-11-15) Since the announcement of the second Annual NEPA Race Car Show at the Laurel Mall in West Hazleton during the week of February 9-15, the excitement of filling the spacious shopping center with race cars continues to mount.

The NEPA Race Car Show will be a week long affair and include all types of race vehicles for display. With a diverse number of race tracks and racers that encompass northeastern Pennsylvania, the NEPA Race Car Show provides the perfect opportunity to showcase the drivers and their equipment in anticipation of the 2015 racing season.

The show is being put together by northeast motorsports announcer and journalist Dino Oberto.

“We’re very excited about bringing a race car show back to the Laurel Mall for a second year,” said Oberto, “We had an amazing display here last year and despite some awful winter weather we still had a great event. The mall had a big boost in traffic throughout the week and we are working closing with mall management to make this year’s show even bigger. The location of the Laurel Mall is a perfect setting to the many different types of racers we have in Northeast Pennsylvania.”

Spots for the show are filling up nicely and with additional space being offered this year there is still plenty of room for those who have yet to make a reservation to attend. Every type of race car is welcome.

Plans call for cars to enter on Sunday, February 8 after the mall closes at 5:00 p.m. The first official day of the show will be Monday and continue through Sunday, February 15. Cars will be removed at the end of that day which is 5:00 p.m.

On Saturday afternoon of the show, driver interviews will take place and the “Best of Show” award will be presented. A Racers Night Out is being planned on Friday, February 13 at a yet to be determined location.

“We’re only in our second year but we feel this has the makings of a something that can only grow and get better. We are appreciative to the Laurel Mall for giving us this opportunity. It’s amazing the number of calls we’ve gotten by racers who want to be part of the show just by word of mouth,” said Oberto.

Cars entered in the show will take up the common area. Registration will be on a first come first serve basis. Anyone interested in displaying their race cars can all 570-401-8168 or email dlmo@ptd.net for additional information. The Laurel Mall is located just off of I-81 and not far from I-80 making it easily accessible.
