Nobody Wins

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DSC_0131Nobody Wins – By: Pete MacDonald


Almost one year to the day in which their son was tragically killed at the Canandaigua Motorsports Park located in upstate New York, the family of Kevin Ward Jr. filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Tony Stewart. Is it me or is the timing just perfect? Does anybody else see this as wrong?

Seriously, you had to wait almost a full year to decide on this, knowing the NASCAR community would again be practically in your backyard for the weekend?

This whole deal angers me.

Not only did Kevin and Tony’s cars never once touched during the incident, Kevin hopped out of his car and ran down a slick race track in a not very well lit area of the speedway wearing a black firesuit into oncoming traffic. Chuck Hebing narrowly avoided hitting Ward prior to Stewart’s car striking him. Then for the toxicology report to come out and say that Ward had marijuana in his system? That right there should throw a red flag up.

No amount of money in the world will ever bring Kevin back, but to continue dragging this deal on and on? Isn’t almost to the point of exploiting your son’s death? I hurt for the family, I really do. I know what it is like to lose loved ones. But there comes a time where you just need to let it go.

DSC_0019 People fail to realize that Tony will have to live with what happened last year every day for the rest of his life replaying that night’s events over and over again. If it wasn’t for people like Tony we wouldn’t be able to do what we love. If he makes an appearance at a short track he packs the place to the gills making it possible for these local tracks to survive. Some of which the media only notice when a tragedy occurs.

Ward’s parents, Kevin and Pamela Ward, requested a jury trial seeking unspecified monetary damages, claiming wrongful death, reckless conduct, gross negligence and their son’s terror and suffering.

At the end of the day nobody wins in this deal. Kevin Ward Jr. won’t come back. Our sport will be drug through the mud a little more. And Tony Stewart will probably end up settling to further any mudslinging of his name, which I really hope he doesn’t.

Like I said, nobody wins.

I can be emailed at or found on Twitter @PMacDonald51, Thanks for reading!

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