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SPRING RUN, Pa. (September 27, 2015) – Just a few weeks remain before Sunday, October 18 and this season’s final installment of Fred Rahmer Promotions’ events at Path Valley Speedway.  The 410 Sprint Cars and 600cc Micro Sprints headline Rahmer’s Armed Forces Appreciation Night – offering half-priced general admission tickets to U.S. Military personnel in uniform.

Active and retired members of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and National Guard are invited to attend as the Fastest Cars on Dirt salute them with intense side-by-side wheel-banging Sprint Car Racing on the Path Valley ¼ mile bullring.

The area’s top 410 Sprint Car competitors will compete in a 40 lap event that pays $6,600 to win – in a tribute to the late Harry Fletcher, a long-time Sprint Car owner and dear friend of the Rahmer family.  Fletcher’s No. 66 was a staple of the central Pennsylvania Sprint Car scene throughout the 60’s and 70’s.

Like the past Fred Rahmer Promotions events, the bonus money is plentiful.  A $500 bonus is offered to the winner of each 410 Sprint Car qualifying heat event, as long as the winner comes from outside the front row. If a driver from the front row picks up the victory they will receive $200 for their win, and the additional $300 will be added into the Lawrence Chevrolet Non-Qualifers jackpot.

Lawrence Chevrolet of Mechanicsburg, Pa presents the Non-Qualifiers event with a guaranteed winner’s share of $500 – but that jackpot could reach as high as $1,700 depending on the results of the qualifying heat events.  At previous events, Chandler Leiby earned $1,100 for his Non-Qualifiers win, TJ Stutts earned $1,400 for his efforts, and Bradley Howard earned $1,700 for his Non-Qualifiers victory.

Other bonuses include a $500 Invader Bonus to any non-central Pennsylvania regular, a $500 Quick Time bonus to the driver setting the fastest Time Trial lap, as well as Hard Charger and Hard Luck awards.

Hoosier Racing Tires gets involved with a 410 Sprint Car Contingency bonus that sees six right rear Hoosier Tires being distributed to drivers based on a fan vote, as well as four right rear Hoosier Tires that will be distributed to 600cc Winged Micro Sprint competitors based on a random drawing.

26-year-old Mifflintown, Pa native Tyler Walton is easily the favorite leading into the 600cc Micro Sprint portion of theSunday, October 18 event.  Walton has gone 3 for 3 in the past Fred Rahmer Promotions events and currently leads the point standings with a 55 point advantage over Aaron Spar.   The winner of the Fred Rahmer Promotions point series and one random driver that has competed in all three of the Rahmer Path Valley events will be given to the opportunity to win a test session aboard one of the Fred Rahmer-owned 410 Sprint Cars.

All the action takes place on Sunday, October 18 with the gates opening at noon and Time Trials starting at 5 PM.

General Admission tickets are $20 and children under 12 are admitted FREE!  NEW Premium Grandstand Seating is available for $25 and General Pit Access is $30.

Series sponsors include: Metzler’s Trailer Sales, J&S Fabrication, Buck Rubs Gentlemen’s Club, Emory Transmissions, CnB Chubby, Aran Trading, Lawrence Chevrolet of Mechanicsburg and Hoosier Racing Tire

Fred Rahmer Promotions can be found online at, on Facebook by visiting, and on Twitter @RahmerRacing

Path Valley Speedway Park
Speedway Address: 17911 Dry Run Road, Spring Run, PA 17262
Speedway Phone: 717-349-7111
Fred Rahmer Promotions Address: 2131 North Ridge Road, Perkasie, PA 18944
Series E-Mail:
Series Website:
Speedway Website:
Twitter: @RahmerRacing

Previous Fred Rahmer Promotions 410 Winners:
June 2014 – Brady Bacon, Broken Arrow, OK
April 2015 – Chad Kemenah, Findlay, OH
June 2015 – Stevie Smith, Broken Arrow, OK
